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MBA670 Strategic Decision Making
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MBA670 Strategic Decision Making
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Course Code: MBA670
University: University Of Maryland is not sponsored or endorsed by this college or university
Country: United States
1. Introduction
states the purpose of the paper
explains what the paper will do
introduces the industry, country, and company’s name
2. Analyzing organization’s resources and capabilities
choice of a local alliance partner and entry strategy
organization’s degree of fit with the country
3. Understanding your organization’s industry
market analysis
characteristics of potential customers in the country
use of web networks and social media for e-marketing
4. Analyzing country’s external environment
finance and accounting
strategy implementation
governance and accountability
We have developed a detailed business plan for Chesapeake Energy Company to establish new operations in Algeria. We will analyze the market entry strategies and the new market as well as legislation and legal frameworks that the company will have to comply with to ensure that it survives in a new environment. In Algeria, petroleum and natural gas are the main exports for the country. Oil is the backbone of Algeria’s economy accounting for up to 20% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP), the country is ranked among the top oil producing and exporting countries OPEC (International Monetary Fund, 2016). Due to a large amount of crude oil mined in the country, over 85% of the total exports for the country include oil and petroleum products within the state (Selvik & Utvik, 2016). As a means of achieving its growth objectives of 8-10%, Chesapeake Energy intends to extend its products and services to Algeria. We are already well established domestically with substantial capital that will allow the company to penetrate the market and become equally competitive as the other companies in the country. Chesapeake Energy is worldwide brand which makes it easier for us to venture into Algeria. Different strategies and compliance issues will, however, have to be met before the company is allowed into the country and all the aspects will be addressed using the strategies discussed in this plan.
To achieve our financial targets, we will form a joint venture LLC with a local alliance partner, implement our entry strategy and execute our market strategy. We will evaluate our financial requirements and investment opportunities in Algeria and build out our implementation plan. We have analyzed risks and developed strategies for how we will mitigate them with strong entry strategies. Additionally, this business plan captures the marketing strategies that will be used by Chesapeake Energy to penetrate the market. Different strategies are discussed including product positioning and competitive analysis strategies that will help us to gain preference over other companies selling similar services and products in Algeria.
2. Analysis of the Chesapeake’s resources and capabilities
Our technological expertise, exploration, drilling and production capabilities give us advantages over competition. Water sourcing and management is a key competitive advantage and a critical risk for oil and gas companies using hydraulic fracturing to unlock new reserves (Nunez, 2013). Chesapeake Energy has adopted technology and responsible sourcing to address water supply issues (Chesapeake Energy , 2018). We developed a program that recycles produced water and evaluates other alternatives to fresh water through our Aqua Renew initiative.
We will take these components into Algeria to drive our competitive leadership in the industry. Algeria is looking to increase production from existing wells to extend production and service life for existing wells. Chesapeake Energy can use new technology, such as hydro-fracture techniques to extract an additional 15-20% of natural gas from existing wells and extend the projected service life of 15 to 30 years reserve.
Entering the market in Algeria, Chesapeake Energy will partner with Sonatrach Petroleum Corporation. We selected Sonatrach after careful consideration of the factors surrounding the corporation. For example, the corporation has operated in the region since 1989 giving it profound information about the business environment in Algeria (Bock & Gijo?n-Spalla, 2012). The performance of Sonatrach is exceptional in Algeria making it a leader among competitors in the oil and gas industry. Also the company has established itself as a company with loyal customers in the long run. An alliance with Sonatrach Petroleum Corporation will allow Chesapeake to thrive in the new environment and remain profitable.
The recommended mode of entry includes both a horizontal and equity alliance between the two organizations. In the equity alliance, Chesapeake Energy and Sonatrach Petroleum Corporation would provide the required resources to establish an independent new organization that will help improve the profits for the organization. In the horizontal alliance, there will be sharing of the ideas and increasing of resources employed in the company to increase the quality of production and ensure that the new company stands out among competition from the other oil and gas producing companies (Hisrich, Peters, & Shepherd, 2017). In meeting this effort, Sonatrach Petroleum Corporation already has a well-established market and suppliers in Algeria. For instance, the company have strong market base. Chesapeake Energy also has a well-developed international market for oil and gas production. This alliance will lead to an expansion of the Algerian gas and oil market increasing the number of sales and profitability for both organizations. This is because the revenue generated will also increase in the long run.
Sonatrach Petroleum Corporation will aid in ensuring that the legal structures of the corporation are met as well as the demands for the establishment of the new company. In this strategy, we will employ strategic utilization of the local company to reach the state administration and ensure compliance with the local authorities’ demands since the organization has operated in the area for a long time and they are aware of the requirements to ensure a successful venture.
Additionally, our local corporation will be in charge of ensuring that marketing strategies are developed in the country and channeled through the most effective networks (Lecle?re, 2014). There will be resource contributions for the suppliers of the raw materials and sourcing new employees for the corporation which will be done based via a recruitment process to attract local workers. To manage their role in marketing the products, Sonatrach Petroleum Corporation will help determine the strategic locations for exploration services for the oil and gas production and inform us on the resources needed to reach clients within the specified time.
Chesapeake will be responsible for ensuring that the infrastructure for the development of the organization is established. We will conduct training and development of new employees to the company as well as knowledge sharing among the executives (Boxall & Purcell, 2015). Chesapeake will ensure that there is enough technological equipment required for the company to operate and transfer data.
We are recommending a foreign direct investment entry mode which will lead to the formation of a new enterprise in Algeria. The alliance will help in reducing the legal requirements and resources needed for the development of the new organization (Devlin, 2015). To balance direct investment, we will invest in local communities in Algeria; at least 50% of the total workforce will include local employees who will help in meeting the different logistics and requirements of the organization.
The reporting structure of the organization will be developed by Gustavo da Silva, Senior Vice President for Business Development and Strategy, who will head up operations in Algeria. The management team will be informed of the role of each organization and be guided on the operations and how we will manage the decision making process.
All information regarding Chesapeake Energy will be communicated to the management team while information relating to the role of Sonatrach Petroleum Corporation will also be communicated to Chesapeake Energy. The new operation will operate independently following strategic and financial directives from both companies. Control of operations will be done through a meeting with the boards from both companies and the Senior Vice President for Business Development and Strategy to give directives on the way forward for the combined organization.
Chesapeake Energy is a good economic fit for Algeria from different perspectives – namely our capital funds and innovative technologies. Our capital resources will allow us to be competitive in Algeria. We have the resources to build needed infrastructure in Algeria to access remote shale acreage. We have the resources to transport materials and water to desolate areas of the country, making it difficult for buyers to squeeze us by asking for more value, as we will own the access to the product. Our technology capabilities in water recycling and hydro-fracking and capital resources create opportunities for revenue growth.
Algeria’s mainly exports oil in large quantity more than anything else. The presence of oil mines in the country also offers an attractive opportunity for Chesapeake to explore and access raw materials for their services (Clews, 2016). The gas and oil services of Chesapeake will not only offer a market for the raw products from the country but also contribute to the gross domestic product of the country. There has been a positive trend of increasing foreign direct investment in the country in the recent years, for instance, in 2017 the foreign direct investment for Algeria increased by 0.27 billion dollars a clear indication of favorable trading environment that attracts investors (Schreier, 2014). The favorable trading terms allow Chesapeake to invest its resources in the country and remain profitable.
3. Understanding the organization’s Market analysis
Macro environment
Politically, Algeria has been stable for a long time. Even though the country is Muslim dominated and located in an area that is prone to serious terror attacks and insecurity, the country has been able to sustain a stable political environment for a long period which makes it a better choice for the establishment of the organization (Tiliouine & Este, 2016). There is respect for the investor establishment and value for peaceful coexistence between foreign investors and the locals. As a result of this positive social life, there has been a significant increase in the foreign domestic investment ventures in the country and more investors are making the country a choice when venturing abroad (Welch & McGonagle, 2013). Legal requirements in Algeria offer a positive avenue for investment (Welch & McGonagle, 2013). The companies in the country need more resources and encourage investors from outside to venture into trading in the state to boost its gross domestic product which is an important element of the economy (Welch & McGonagle, 2013). The economic situation in the country is also attractive, and the rate of economic growth is attractive also at a rate of 1.6% the rate needs to be improved, and the nation is encouraging companies to invest in the country (Welch & McGonagle, 2013).
Market size and trends
Algeria offers fertile ground for both local consumption and export of the petroleum products. The local consumption of petroleum products in Algeria ranges between 26.72 and 422.54 barrels per day (Ojeda-Garcia, Ferna?ndez-Molina, & Veguilla, 2017). The consumption rate has realized a steadily increasing rate from 257.55 barrels per day in the year 2006 to reach the peak of 422.54 barrels per day in the year 2015 (Ojeda-Garcia, Ferna?ndez-Molina, & Veguilla, 2017). The years 2016 and 2017 have realized a slight drop in the consumption to settle at 411.16 barrels per day in the year 2017 (Ojeda-Garcia, Ferna?ndez-Molina, & Veguilla, 2017). The rate of oil production in Algeria is significantly high with the production as at July 2018 being ranked at 1064 which has made it be ranked 3rd oil producing country in Africa after Nigeria and Angola (Ahrari, 2015).
The export market for petroleum products in Algeria is attractive in the maintenance of the balance of trade. The country’s petroleum products export range between 332.80 barrels per day to a maximum of 1253 barrels per day which was achieved in the year 2007 (Baker, 2016). The rate of export since the peak in the year 2007 has experienced various fluctuations with some increasing and decreasing trends (Chowdhury). There was a significant decrease in the year 2008 dropping by a margin of over 400 barrels per day (Chowdhury). Sound economic policies established during this period have enabled exports to stabilize steadily through the market decline. Though there has been a substantial decrease in the number of exports, the rate of production of the petroleum products has been significantly low (Chowdhury).
Market prices are determined by the oil producing and exporting country. The competition based on price is low and the competition is based on other factors such as convenience which influence the final cost of the oil produced. Sonatrach Petroleum Corporation has the highest proportion of the local market share which makes it an important venture to use. The products and services of the new alliance will comprise of a proportion of Sonatrach Petroleum Corporation’s market and a new market which will be obtained from the different marketing strategies we employ.
Target market
Chesapeake Energy’s venture in Algeria will target all the population in the country that uses petroleum products as well as other energy companies and utilities. The aim is to reach out to as many consumers as possible to gain a large market share of the products (Baker, 2016). We will give special attention to local corporations and other companies that will be willing to purchase the products and services from the company giving them priority to gain positive business to business sales. The local population target will include consumers using fuel for transport services, the members of the public who are in need of gas for domestic use and s investors with the capacity to purchase oil and gas products and services. Distributing services to local consumers for domestic use will be charged at a subsidized price to penetrate the market and ensure that the corporation gains control over a substantial market share.
Consumer analysis
The total population of Algeria is about 41million people by the end of 2017 with a slight balance between the males and females in the country. The growth rate of the population as at 2018 is at the rate of 1.67% per year which implies that the population will continue to increase in the future with more children being born and a slow death rate, 73% of the total population live in the urban areas, and the rate of unemployment is at 10% (Bonner, Reif, & Tessler, 2014).
The main consumption of oil locally in Algeria is in the transport industry, and factory consumption follows closely (Bonner, Reif, & Tessler, 2014). The rate of domestic consumption of the petroleum product is substantially low (Bonner, Reif, & Tessler, 2014). However, it has a significant contribution to the sales made by the local companies dealing with petroleum products (Miller, Washington, & Associates, 2016). Most of the employed people in Algeria are in the position to buy the petroleum products guarantees a market with the high purchasing power to be able to demand the oil products from the company (Miller, Washington, & Associates, 2016).
Need analysis
The primary needs for consumers of gas and petroleum products in Algeria include convenience and quality. Clients want a place where they can purchase the product with ease and reduce the hustle of moving from one place to another. In this regard, the entry of Chesapeake alliance with Sonatrach Petroleum Corporation will allow the introduction of selling points for the clients in proximity to their location. In this way, it will be possible to ensure that the clients get the product at their most preferred point. From another perspective, the consumer of gas in the household will need to be offered the delivery services which will ensure that gas reaches the client at the doorstep. The employment of internet services will help meet the needs of the clients more conveniently since the client can order the product from any selling point and have it delivered to their home for use (Sahadev, Purani, & Malhotra, 2015). Clients like convenience and reduction of the cost of transport which will be included as an after sale service to the buyers.
Competitor analysis
As a leader in the industry, we add to our value proposition by offering industry leading technology and excavation. We will have a low initial investment by partnering with Sonatrach Petroleum and suppliers to who is Algerian state-owned and government supported. We will sell our products and services above variable costs to invest the time to be profitable.
Our main competitors are LNG partners and the Dalian Port Company. LNG owns a floating storage of regasification of natural gas and uses the marine transportation and has a well-defined market share amid to its developed reputation since its entry in the market. There will be competition from the general maritime corporation which has developed as a public traded company and gained a substantial market, particularly in Portugal making it more sophisticated in its operations (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2013). Stiff competition is expected to emerge from the Dalian Port Company, a highly diverse company that promotes the trading of goods locally and internationally. The company also has a defined marine transport system that cuts through different countries including China which would challenge access of external markets.
Despite high competition in the industry, Algeria needs access to new technologies to increase production in the coming years, which could enable the country to be a viable alternative energy source for the Continent (The World Bank, 2018). Algeria has consistently produced meaningful volumes of both oil and natural gas (some 12.2 million barrels of oil per day in 2018) (OPEC.ORG, 2018). It has abundant conventional oil and gas reserves and the third-largest shale reserves in the world (OPEC.ORG, 2018). Algeria is also the second-largest natural gas supplier to Europe, the largest supplier of natural gas to the African continent and holds the third-largest amount of shale gas resources in the world (OPEC.ORG, 2018).
We will promote our products and services in tandem with Sonatrach Petroleum organically within communities in partnership with training and employment programs and using the internet to reach the local and global markets. Marketing will be done to the mass market since the products are faced with uniformity in demand (Miller, Washington, & Associates, 2016). Each product will be introduced to the specific target, for example, the sale of natural gas will be directed to the households and other areas that are interested in the gas while gasoline will be offered to members in the factories, utility and energy industries and gas points.
Market strategy
Our marketing strategy is to capitalize on our strengths and take advantage of opportunities in the Algerian market, we must utilize our brand name advantage in our expansion efforts. Our marketing division will emphasize our superior development and technological capabilities, and business operations when seeking partnerships with Algerian oil and gas companies and suppliers. Our diverse portfolio will provide an attractive incentive for potential investors and partners for the introduction of new products in the future.
Chesapeake Energy and the Sonatrach Petroleum Corporation offer oil and gas production services, as well as shale development and excavation. With our technological expertise, Algeria can expand its production of oil and gas, whether derived from its conventional or unconventional prospects, and become an important supplier of natural gas to Western Europe. Expanding Algerian gas exports to Europe will require investments in both Algeria’s energy industry and its pipeline infrastructure.
The expansion project requires that the company make long-term capital funding to subsidize infrastructure, accessibility to sites, water availability, pipelines to move materials and additional rigs. We will work with local government to identify locations to establish roads, bridges and rigs for extracting oil and gas. The location of the operations will be strategic in the places where the oil and gas extraction is plentiful and located to allow safe, secure and reliable access to pipelines across the country, Africa and the Middle East. Distribution is key to expanded revenue growth in partnership with Sonatrach Petroleum having access to more than 3,000 miles of pipeline across the continent and South America.
We will have a low initial investment by partnering with existing oil and gas producing companies and suppliers who are Algerian state-owned and government supported. We will sell our products and services above variable costs to invest the time to be profitable.
Various promotional methods will be used to appeal to different audiences. For instance, there will be direct marketing which will be performed to appeal to the current customers of both companies to inform them of the new undertaking. In the introduction of the organization mass, media platforms will be used to inform the public about the existence of the products (Turban, Strauss, & Lai, 2016). Moreover, there will be the use of internet platforms to sell the products to the larger market.
The use of internet in Algeria is substantially low as compared to other countries. According to the social media statistics in 2017 out of the total population, a total of 51.45% of the country’s population is using the social networking (Tiliouine & Este, 2016). The most popular site used in the country is YouTube which is followed closely by Facebook (Tiliouine & Este, 2016). The other social networking sites share the remaining percentage, and others are at a negligible percentage. The statistics show that the involvement of citizens in the online activities is high which creates a potential for e-marketing (Tiliouine & Este, 2016). Marketing can be done using the two most popular platforms which are YouTube and Facebook to reach as many customers as possible. The e-marketing platform offers a positive score in the marketing efforts to promote the business operations and attract more sales.
The new LLC will develop branding strategies, a new logo and use the strength and recognition of our company in the oil and gas production industry to brand itself in this new foreign market. We will build upon the transformational momentum established over the last several years through consistent operational and financial improvements. Our announcement of new operations in Algeria domestically will create massive media and internet coverage. Our commitment to growth is yet another step that demonstrates our commitment to achieve and sustain top quartile performance among our peers.
The marketing of our products and services will match market needs and be easily identifiable by customers, products and services will be branded as a hybrid of the two companies which will attract the clients and investors from various sectors. We will have billboards in rural areas advertising for training programs and employment opportunities. We will also take advantage of the limited internet access in Algeria – while having extension internet campaign state-side. These methods will ensure that the company not only maintains its current status as a leading oil and gas producer of petroleum products but also gains access to the market offered by Sonatrach Petroleum Corporation.
4. Analyzing the country’s external environment
Finance and accounting
Accounting procedures in Algeria do not differ significantly from the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) used in the United States. The criteria used in the development of financial statements in the United States match the formats in Algeria following the consideration of samples from the competing firms and information from Sonatrach Petroleum Corporation. There is a deviation in the currency since the accounting currency used in Algeria is dinar. The legal requirements for the development of financial reports are also similar which an advantage is for Chesapeake Energy. In its development, Chesapeake Energy will require a total of $ 1.2 million investment to succeed in Algeria. Sonatrach Petroleum will contribute $1 million to support the business operations. The business is expected to generate sales worth $300 million in the first year of operation since it will be developed under a corporation that understands the market and has a substantial market share both in the country and outside. The revenue projection for the first three years is expected to amount to $2.3 million the company will break even within two years.
Strategy implementation
Strategy implementation will take different stages. Launch of business operations in the first year of operation will include gathering the required resources and setting up the necessary infrastructure and legal obligations. These actions are expected to be completed in the first four months with the business to be launched in the fifth month. Operations will begin immediately after the launch with marketing operations being started towards the end of the completion. The marketing strategy will be followed by the expansion of selling points for the business to take the product close to the consumer. The selling points will help increase the sales of the products substantially. At the end of the three years, we are expected to have 8-10% earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT).
Governance and accountability
The combined business will have sufficient internal control measures to prevent incidences of fraud and other activities that would impact negatively on the organization’s performance. There will be sufficient allocation of employees in different sectors to ensure that the organization members are accountable for their actions and those engaged in unethical activities will face reinforcement measures based on the legal process for the country. The organization will also hire professionals in every field who will be locally recruited to manage positions in the organization. Moreover, we will be engaged in corporate social responsibility programs sponsoring activities and employing a high percentage of locals to improve the organization’s image. The LLC will employ responsible environmental processes and sustainability principles to reduce the concerns of environmentalists.
By expanding into Algeria and partnering with Sonatrach Petroleum Corporation we have an opportunity not only to grow revenue, but to expand our market across the African continent and Middle East. Our success begins with the cultivation of partnerships with Sonatrach Petroleum Corporation and the Algerian government. Through this alliance we will have access to approximately 20% of the country’s oil and gas producing shales, generating an estimated $300 million in annual revenues and access to more than 3,000 miles of pipeline across northern Africa providing immediate revenue.
I have analyzed Algeria both as a market for our product and a site for value-chain activities, including the assessment of associated risks. The business plan also includes three-year estimates and revenue projections, with the time frame and breakeven point, using the findings of research into our market size, pricing, and sales in Algeria. The plan also includes our market entry plan and competitive strategy.
I have estimated the required investment for relocating one or more activities of the organization’s value chain from the United States to Algeria. I have detailed the actions and milestones to implement our strategy as well as an in-depth assessment of both short- and long-term risks. The Porter five forces analysis provided us with ideas on how to gain a complete picture of what impacts the profitability of our organization in the oil and gas industry in Algeria and helped us identify trends so we could quickly respond to take advantage of the emerging opportunity. Proper application of the Porter five forces will provide guard rails to how we shape those forces in our favor in this new environment.
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