MBA621 Healthcare Systems

MBA621 Healthcare Systems

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MBA621 Healthcare Systems

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MBA621 Healthcare Systems

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Course Code: MBA621
University: Kaplan University is not sponsored or endorsed by this college or university

Country: United States


The information collected on the selected service will be presented in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. Each slide must include a Notes section that gives additional information to support the information visible in that slide. You must limit these notes to no more than 100 words per slide.
There will be no expectation that students will deliver the presentation.
In addition to a detailed introduction and description of the service and the general characteristics and impacts of Australia’s ageing population, the analysis should include consideration of these elements:

Clinical effectiveness: Improving the health of individual patients through the delivery of healthcare services.
Population effectiveness: Improving the health of populations through medical or non-medical services.


Production efficiency (clinical perspective): combining inputs to produce services at the lowest cost.
Production efficiency (population perspective): combining inputs to produce services at the lowest cost.
Allocative efficiency (population perspective): combining health services and other health-related investments to produce maximum health given available resources.

Some important considerations for constructing a good slide presentation.

Keep it simple – edit text on each slide to a minimum to achieve a balanced appearance and the highest level of readability. List concepts on the slide and provide the details in your notes.
Limit transitions and builds (animation) – use no more than 2-3 transition effects.
Have a visual theme, but avoid using PowerPoint templates – most would not suit this type of presentation.
Use appropriate charts and tables but only if they clearly demonstrate information or issues. Be absolutely sure that the trend or relationship you are trying to show will be very obvious on the finished chart slide.
Choose your fonts well – Use the same font set throughout your entire slide presentation, and use no more than two complementary fonts (e.g. Arial and Arial Bold)
Use audio and video very selectively or not at all.
Ensure that all elements evident in the grading rubric are covered by the presentation.


Australian healthcare service is known for delivering a mixed system of universal healthcare and private providers
the average lifespan of south Australian population is higher compared that of the north Australian population (Pittet et al. 2014)
high quality medical services are provided by both the private as well as public organizations in Australia
Medical services provided to the elderly
treatment for diseases like diabetes and cerebral vascular disease
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
cognitive heart failure
osteoarthritis and allied disorders
physiological issues like anxiety and depression
According to a survey conducted in the year 2016, 2 out of 7 people in Australia are aged 65 or above
3 out of 10 Medicare claims from unreferred general practitioners come for individuals who are aged 65 or above
8 out of 10 residential aged care are classified as high care service users.
Types of Healthcare service providers
primary care providers
medical doctors
osteopathic medicine
family practice and pediatrics
Physical assistants
Effectiveness of Australian medical services
Innovative ways to control the costs without limiting the access of older citizens to beneficial Medicare services encourage medical care to pay for services equally so that comparable patient outcomes is provided rewarding for the superior services, improving inceptives for cost effective innovations and placing Medicare on a better sustainable financial footing
Clinical effectiveness
the management of the organization should ensure the safety of the patient.
Nurses should be trained to provide 24 hour invigilation to the patients
Hygiene of the elderly patients is also needs to be maintained
Population effectiveness
the Australian heath care system is struggling to implement policies to reduce the enhancing number of elderly patients
Aged care industry Association (ACIA) have divided the population into 8 groups
ACIA  has implemented free checkup and primary medication
Efficiency of Medicare for elderly patients
Production efficiency of medical services offered to the Australian citizens is low.
The quality of medical services provided is high
However, the medical cost of the country is unsustainable
Thee public demand for high quality medical services has been met by both the public and governmental healthcare homes
The life expectancy of Australian citizens has increased up to 95.1 years
customers of age range  60 to 79 years are the group that receives the largest payout of hospital benefits.
The allocative efficiency of Australian medical service is low.
Due to the high cost invested on the efficiency of the medical system, the industry is suffering from financial scarcity and budget deficit (Cooke and Bartram 2015)
The Australian government is trying to improve the efficiency by explicitly using economic evaluation while listing new drugs
Equity of Medicare for elderly patients
Procedural equity involves maximizing the fairness in the distribution of services across individuals.
In the medical care system of Australia, Procedural equity is high
The Healthcare services providers in Australia are well paid.
This in turn enhances their attitude towards the healthcare service users.
Substantive equity includes minimizing the disparities in the distribution of health across individuals.
In Australia, the substantive equity is low
The service provided to the indigenous Australians are much lower than that of the non indigenous Australians (Perkins et al. 2015.)
The Australian government is implementing several strategies to minimize the disparities.
The equity index compares favorably to several European countries and is much better than that of U.S. 
30 percent of the financial equity of Australia arrives from private sources
However, People with higher financial capacity tents to enjoy better medical services compared to people who lacks financial capacity.
The service provided at private hospitals are better compared to services provided at private hospitals
Health equity is the study as well as causes of differences in the quality of health across various populations.
The Australian society needs to be more companionate
A healthcare constitutional convection is required
The Aboriginal and Torres islander lacks facilities associated with the medical system
Australian medical service is of higher quality compared to any other developed nation of the world
However, the healthcare industry of Australia lacks allocative efficiency.
Moreover, there prevails discrepancy in medical system
Indigenous Australians are unable to avail medical services due to social isolation
The life expectancy of non-indigenous Australians are higher compared to that of the indigenous Australians
Elderly citizens with higher financial capability gets better medical services compared to elderly patients with lower financial capabilities
Private healthcare homes provides better medical services compared to public healthcare homes
Australia has the potential to sell its telemedicine and other telehealth services abroad
The Australian government should allocate the funds more efficiently and enhance technical efficiency.
Brownlee, S., Chalkidou, K., Doust, J., Elshaug, A.G., Glasziou, P., Heath, I., Nagpal, S., Saini, V., Srivastava, D., Chalmers, K. and Korenstein, D., 2017. Evidence for overuse of medical services around the world. The Lancet, 390(10090), pp.156-168.
Cooke, F.L. and Bartram, T., 2015. Guest editors’ introduction: human resource management in health care and elderly care: current challenges and toward a research agenda. Human Resource Management, 54(5), pp.711-735.
Gelbard, R., Inaba, K., Okoye, O.T., Morrell, M., Saadi, Z., Lam, L., Talving, P. and Demetriades, D., 2014. Falls in the elderly: a modern look at an old problem. The American Journal of Surgery, 208(2), pp.249-253.
Jang-Jaccard, J., Nepal, S., Alem, L. and Li, J., 2014. Barriers for delivering telehealth in rural Australia: a review based on Australian trials and studies. Telemedicine and e-Health, 20(5), pp.496-504.
Krumholz, H.M., 2013. Post-hospital syndrome—an acquired, transient condition of generalized risk. New England Journal of Medicine, 368(2), pp.100-102.
McRae, I., Yen, L., Jeon, Y.H., Herath, P.M. and Essue, B., 2013. Multimorbidity is associated with higher out-of-pocket spending: a study of older Australians with multiple chronic conditions. Australian journal of primary health, 19(2), pp.144-149.
Perkins, G.D., Jacobs, I.G., Nadkarni, V.M., Berg, R.A., Bhanji, F., Biarent, D., Bossaert, L.L., Brett, S.J., Chamberlain, D., de Caen, A.R. and Deakin, C.D., 2015. Cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation outcome reports: update of the utstein resuscitation registry templates for out-of-Hospital cardiac arrest: a statement for healthcare professionals from a task force of the international liaison committee on resuscitation (American heart association, european resuscitation council, australian and New Zealand council on resuscitation, heart and stroke foundation of Canada, InterAmerican heart foundation, resuscitation council of southern africa …. Circulation, 132(13), pp.1286-1300.
Pittet, V., Burnand, B., Yersin, B. and Carron, P.N., 2014. Trends of pre-hospital emergency medical services activity over 10 years: a population-based registry analysis. BMC health services research, 14(1), p.380.
Roughead, E.E., Ellett, L.M.K., Ramsay, E.N., Pratt, N.L., Barratt, J.D., LeBlanc, V.T., Ryan, P., Peck, R., Killer, G. and Gilbert, A.L., 2013. Bridging evidence-practice gaps: improving use of medicines in elderly Australian veterans. BMC health services research, 13(1), p.514.
Weber, M.F., Smith, D.P., O’Connell, D.L., Patel, M.I., de Souza, P.L., Sitas, F. and Banks, E., 2013. Risk factors for erectile dysfunction in a cohort of 108 477 Australian men. Med J Aust, 199(2), pp.107-11.

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