MBA 670 Strategic Decision Making

MBA 670 Strategic Decision Making

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MBA 670 Strategic Decision Making

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MBA 670 Strategic Decision Making

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Course Code: MBA670
University: University Of Maryland Global Campus is not sponsored or endorsed by this college or university

Country: United States

Assume that you are the general manager of a hotel located on a tropical island. The hotel is situated along a beautiful stretch of beach and is one of six large resorts in the area. The hotel, owned by a group of investors, is one of the oldest on the island. For several years, the hotel has been operated as a franchise unit of a large international hotel chain, as are all of the other hotels on the island.For the last few years, the hotel’s owners have been taking most of the profits for themselves and putting relatively little back into the hotel. They also have let you know that their business is not in good financial health; the money earned from your hotel is being used to offset their other loses. in contrast, most of the other hotels around you have recently been refurbished and plans have been announced to build two new ones in the near future.A team of executives from franchise headquarters has just visited your hotel. The executives expressed considerable disappointment in the property. They feel that it has not kept pace with the other resorts in the island. They also informed you that if the property is not brought up to their standards, the franchise agreement, up for review in a year, will be revoked. You see this situation as potentially disastrous since the hotel will lose its Brand Name access to the franchisers’ reservation system and so forth.Sitting alone in your office, you can identify several variable alternatives:1) Try to convince the owners to remodel the hotel. You estimate that it will take $5 million to meet the franchiser’s minimum standards and another $5 millions to bring the hotel up to the standards of the top resort on the island.2) Try to convince the franchiser to give you more time and more options to upgrade the facility3) Allow the franchise agreement to terminate and try to succeed as anindependent hotel4) Assume that the hotel is going to fail and start looking for another job. You have a good reputation, although you might have to start at a lower level with another firm (perhaps as an assistant manager).
1) Rank the four alternatives in terms of their potential success (make assumptions as appropriate)2)Identify other alternatives which are not already noted.
3) Prepare a Plan with your decision-makings in reflection to the Hotel’s situation and to your self-interests’ protection.

The situation is not good from the perspective of Jumby Bay Island, Antigua. In the case of Tropical Island, environmental factors are important and aligned with the pure environment. People spend their leisure time and hotels provide all the opportunity that a customer wants. But the situation will worse if the arrangement of distribution staged and financial help are not utilised at the proper place (, 2018). The process of renovation is the key manner that every hotel needs for the development of their infrastructure. The accumulated profits are not invested for the development of the hotel and the hotel becomes not effective enough and not compete with the other globally acclaimed hotels. Jumby Bay Island hotel is returning in October as the situation of the hotel is not productive and some elegant patches are missing from the hotel (, 2018). The owners of the hotel are basically the investors and they have realised that financial opportunity from this business is missing. The major profits are retrieved by the owners and they are not investing anything for development of the company. To maintain the infrastructure and to provide the best facility in Jumby Bay Island, there must be some changes and owners have to take part in this (, 2018). As a manager, there are some decisions that can be considered in this case and as the franchises provide them with an ultimatum for the development.
Rank four alternative as per their potential success
The rankings are based on the perception and the result of situation analysis. The best ranked outcome may not be the safest but the relevancy of choosing the rank is provided in that paper. The process of independency is the best way to form the business, however there is a question about money and resources. If those resources are there then, this is the best chosen rank among all. The idea of innovative business dealing and make something innovative is the key need from the business. Other ranks are ranked low as the chances of getting success by applying those processes are not effective.
In case of rank the four decision, the thought of an independent business hotel comes first. The process allows franchise agreement and terminate the hotel licence and try to develop the process at the ground level. This is a new start for the company and every old business process can be changed (Chai, Liu & Ngai, 2013). The changing accommodation, the introduction of exquisite restaurants, a section of the sensational spa, and the facility of traditional elegance with long graced private island facility will be provided. The process surely takes some time as the new set up design is there and some new employees are also needed. In the case of independent business, profit can be used for the betterment of the hotel and no such permission is required in that case. The new process and innovative collections are introduced in the hotel. The decision is effective enough for a new start and total control along with the budgeting and profit making is not questionable to anyone.
The next variable will be the process of convincing the owner to remodel the business. This is a process that involves lots of money for achieving the minimum standard of the hotel. The estimated amount is needed for is almost $10 million. The reason behind the huge investment is the carelessness of owners in the previous situations. There are such situations when the investors are unable to find interest in business (Elwyn et al., 2012). That will create a problem and the development of hotel staged. There will be an estimation of $5 million is needed to achieve the franchise standard. When the franchise visited the hotel, they are not impressed with the situation that hotel in and also informed that make it in a proper standard so that it can compete with other reputed hotels (Légaré & Witteman, 2013). There are six large resorts in that same place and all of them have high standard facilities. Jumby Bay Island hotel needs to develop their infrastructure, so that evolution of marketing and make a considerable place in the hospitality industry, can earn through this.
The next variable will be the process of looking for some other job. The situation will be worse in this hotel and if there are no opportunities for the development, then it better to leave that at the earliest. Some new employees will take the place and the company will get enough productivity from them (Zsambok & Klein, 2014). The academic career and reputation in the previous company will help in that case to find a better job in other organisation, thus a good opportunity is also available in that case. This variable comes in the third position because of the owners’ attitude towards the business (Zsambok & Klein, 2014). If owners have that attitude problem then it will be disastrous for other employees to work over there.
The last option will be a time-consuming process of asking for some more time from the franchiser and upgrade the facility. But the main hindrance, in that case, is the behaviour of the owners and their attitude towards the business as well (Vaiman, Scullion & Collings, 2012). They have declared earlier also that, their interest in business has lost and this was the reason they are not willing to invest their money. If the scenario remains the same, upgradation is not possible (Popovi? et al., 2012). Their process of never-ending time is required for the profit-making for almost 8 to 10 years and then come up with some money and then renovate the infrastructure of the hotel. This process is the last one to have as the situation of the company does not support.  
Identification of other alternatives
There are some other alternatives can implement in that process. These alternatives have played an important role in the organisation to save it and make it to a high standard and to achieve success.

The introduction of distribution channels in the hotel and make some outlets in some of the popular places will attract people with the company. The facilities, accommodation, food and amenities in those outlets for hours will help to understand the people about the quality of the hotel (Govindan eta al., 2015). Some people have their flight time, train time or they want to rest for the fewer times, this is the reason behind those outlets. Through this money, the economic condition can be improved.
Export some of the quality foods in the international market with the amalgamation of other international company with the deal of 50-50 ratio will help the company to earn a good amount of money and strengthen their base through food. In the case of accommodation, some innovative steps like discount packages are there and that highlights people engagement with the hotel and that ultimately enrich the status of the hotel in economic condition.
Development of green hotel concept can be introduced in Jumby Bay Island. The concept engages people who love to have environment-friendly mannerism in the hotel (Barry & Edgman-Levitan, 2012). There is some innovative concept of waste management and beautification through green plants will renovate the hotel in a new fashion.  
The hotel is on the island areas so business related to water will be an extra source of income that gathers some extra revenue for the infrastructural development of the hotel. (Wibowo & Deng, 2013)this is another extra source that can be utilised for the development of hotel.

Decision-making over hotel and self-interests protection 
The decision of self-perception is the clear and relevant direction that I want to point out in that direction. If there are financial losses persists then it will be a disaster for the organisation, so independent business is the best approach in such cases. The business opportunities will be more in case of independent business. At the next level estimated amount of $5 million is needed from the franchises for the minimum standard of the hotel that wanted by those franchises. I have taken this decision in the second position as I thought this is the last way to achieve the ultimate reputation of the organisation. In Caribbean Island, there are six other resorts are there and this hotel has the least innovation and infrastructural productivity. I believe the standard level needs to revise for Jumby Bay Island and that only matches up the top hotels of Caribbean Island. The perception is based on the economic condition of the country and the development criteria is not match the required standard.
The decision making has some relevant steps to consider the process like identification of alternatives, and that alternatives that I have considered are also mentioned. However, to choose among the variables and alternatives, take some time from the franchisers is not effective enough as the process of financial disagreement is there and the interest over the business has lost. The situation is not effective enough for the company and there will be no future in such situations. That is the reason action taking the process for the alternative company comes at the third. Instead of starting a lower position in that company, the mental satisfaction of growing business is there and that will be the boost and encouragement for me. In case of reviewing the situation, I realise the option is the right one for me and I must go for that or make some independent business and say no to the franchiser. The impact of the decision will be productive enough for the company and the first variable, that variable is the best way to develop the infrastructure of the hotel and that is the reason I choose this process at the initial one.
Barry, M. J., & Edgman-Levitan, S. (2012). Shared decision making—the pinnacle of patient-centered care. New England Journal of Medicine, 366(9), 780-781.
Chai, J., Liu, J. N., & Ngai, E. W. (2013). Application of decision-making techniques in supplier selection: A systematic review of literature. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(10), 3872-3885.
Elwyn, G., Frosch, D., Thomson, R., Joseph-Williams, N., Lloyd, A., Kinnersley, P., … & Edwards, A. (2012). Shared decision making: a model for clinical practice. Journal of general internal medicine, 27(10), 1361-1367.
Govindan, K., Rajendran, S., Sarkis, J., & Murugesan, P. (2015). Multi criteria decision making approaches for green supplier evaluation and selection: a literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 98, 66-83. (2018) Jumby Bay Island retrieved from: [Accessed on 7th September, 2018]
Légaré, F., & Witteman, H. O. (2013). Shared decision making: examining key elements and barriers to adoption into routine clinical practice. Health affairs, 32(2), 276-284.
Popovi?, A., Hackney, R., Coelho, P. S., & Jakli?, J. (2012). Towards business intelligence systems success: Effects of maturity and culture on analytical decision making. Decision Support Systems, 54(1), 729-739.
Vaiman, V., Scullion, H., & Collings, D. (2012). Talent management decision making. Management Decision, 50(5), 925-941.
Wibowo, S., & Deng, H. (2013). Consensus-based decision support for multicriteria group decision making. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 66(4), 625-633.
Zsambok, C. E., & Klein, G. (Eds.). (2014). Naturalistic decision making. Psychology Press.

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