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MARKETNG 7025 Integrated Marketing Communication
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MARKETNG 7025 Integrated Marketing Communication
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Course Code: MARKETNG7025
University: The University Of Adelaide is not sponsored or endorsed by this college or university
Country: Australia
Why the integrated marketing tools appear to be appropriate?
Dukes coffee aims towards being one of the most popular cafes within the boundaries of Australia when it comes to dealing with a variety of coffee products that mainly consists of different qualities. Additionally, Besides, Dukes coffee will consist of professional top management teams who are well versed with various forms of management thus creating a strong positive bond between them and their employees, this will be one of the major strategies of the entire business towards the path of success as far as all its future goals are concerned. All the coffee products that are being produced by this business will be taken through various aspects of medical tests to ensure that they don’t have any negative impact as far as the health status of the clients is concerned. On the other hand, the entire café is likely to make one of the most essential steps to further implement the use of modern ways of technology into most of its operations to help save time and provide their clients with the best services so far thus getting one of the best opportunities to outdo all their competitors who are capable of doing the same business within the market platform. The technologies that are going to be implemented by the organization include product payments through VISA, this will ease the burden of customers when it comes to walking around with money. Additionally, the business is trying to implement one of the best types of promotion that is geared towards offering one of the best delivery services to customers living in various localities (Kerr & Patti, 2015). This service will enable customers to order a variety of coffee products from the café where this will be delivered to them within the shortest time possible in order to meet their expectations.
Target Audience
Duke’s coffee Rosters targets a variety of individuals within the society. One of the best thing about all their coffee products is that they consist of different types and grades thus making the products to have different prices that range from the lowest price that anyone within the society can afford, to the most expensive price that is normally purchased by the working class within the society. Due to this, it is clear beyond any reasonable doubt that the entire business is targeting all classes of individuals within the society without any form of discrimination at all regardless of the age, background and even the social status of their audiences. The business tends to target a different audience unlike the other coffee businesses within the surrounding that normally aims towards attracting the attention of the working class only and forgetting the rest of the other members within the society ( Zhang, Jiang, Shabbir, & Du, 2015). This strategy of targeting a variety of audience is likely to enable Dukes coffee to always be packed to capacity during morning hours when the weather is still cold and during evening hours when most people have left their workstations where most of them normally prefer to refresh themselves with at least one cup of coffee.
In as much as Dukes Café is a business organization operating within the market platform, it aims towards meeting quite a number of objectives that are capable of working hand in hand with all its future goals. One of the major objectives of this business is to produce quality coffee products that are free from any harmful substances that are likely to compromise the lives of various customers. Additionally, another object that is attached to this business to provide reliable and friendly services to customers regardless of their respective backgrounds, age, gender, and even ethnicity. Lastly, another objective is that the business intends to create several affiliate businesses in other locations in order to reach most of their customers in real time and provide them with the best services that are capable of meeting their expectations.
Integrated marketing tools
There are various types of integrated marketing tools that the business will put into consideration. These tools are meant to ensure that the whole business is capable of attaining various goals when it comes to carrying out operations in different business sectors across some of the highlighted regions (Moriarty & Schultz,2012). The following are some of the integrated marketing tools that are likely to be placed into consideration by the business;
Advertising- This will involve the use of various parameters and techniques to bring out the best as far as the business is concerned. This will give the prospective customers one of the best opportunities to remember the entire organization most so when they will be ready to buy various coffee products that originate from the café (Moriarty& Schultz, 2012). On the other hand, this form of integrated marketing tool will be geared towards attracting as many people as possible where it is likely to consist of some of the problems that the entire business intends to resolve together with some of the benefits that the solution is likely to bring on board.
Digital media- This is another form of integrated marketing tool that will be fully and effectively integrated with all the relevant advertising messages when it comes to the targeted market (Armstrong, Kotler, Harker, Brennan,2015). This digital media as a form of integrated marketing tool will be used to encourage different customers to visit the website that is attached to the whole organization as one of the best means of finding a perfect way to interact with the top management team.
Targeted mailings- Coming up with various ways to market different types of prospects, instead of a large, general type of audience, perfectly makes the use of various forms of direct marketing tools one of the most productive ways to stay in touch will different types of clients specifically the ones who are able to clearly see your advertising techniques (Pickton, 2004). The business aims towards implementing these tools which are known to consist of things like postcards that contains a variety of special offers that are likely to attract the attention of the customers.
Public relations- Public relations being another form of essential integrated marketing tool, it will greatly help in the reinforcement of the other remaining marketing efforts through a relevant purported form of third-party kind of endorsement from quite a number of publications that will be able that will be able to feature the business in various articles (Armstrong et al 2015). The capability of sending different types of news releases to various types of digital publications will be able to give the business one of the best coverage so far possible (Porcu, Del Barrio-Garcia & Kitchen,2017).
The above mentioned forms of integrated marketing tools tend to be appropriate since they are geared towards main the entire business to achieve most of the targeted goals in real time in order to scale up to the next level within the business platform and also be able to offer stiff competition to the other remaining competitors within the market. Additionally, the named integrated marketing tools tend to carry out quite a number of operations within the boundaries of ethics thus making them be appropriate as much as. possible (Porcu et al 2017) They are integrated in such a way that they are capable of carrying out quite a number of relevant issues by analyzing them in a logical manner.
Campaign Outline
The entire campaign will be carried out in different regions across various populations. This aims towards increasing the popularity of the business in regions where it is not likely to reach faster. On the other hand, in order for the campaign to be successful, there are various parameters and procedures that will be followed in order to come up with the intended outcome. The use of social media as one of the major integrated marketing tools will play an essential role in this campaign since it is beyond any reasonable doubt that large populations of individuals are known to have the capability of gaining access to various aspects of social media thereby making it possible to come across this mode of the campaign. On the other hand, the social media campaign will involve different types of artists most so the ones who have gained popularity across the targeted groups of individuals.
Promotion of the business service
AU$ 10,000
Implementation of the Integrated marketing tools
AU$ 5,000
Implementation of Campaign process
AU$ 5,000
Total Budget= 20,000AU$
Evaluation of the Campaign
Evaluation of the campaign will be carried out through a variety of ways in order to determine the success of the entire process with regards to most of the targeted future goals that were initially placed into consideration. Due to this, the entire success of the campaign will be essentially measured to come up with the most desired outcomes so far, it will be carried out through the use of various techniques and parameters (Luxton, Reid & Mavondo, 2015). To measure the success of the campaign, there will be the need to perfectly divide all the available marketing derived forms of traffic into different levels of subgroups that can be commonly referred to as channels. Some of the channels that need to be tracked in order to measure success include direct clients who are normally the potential valued customers that are capable of getting access to the business in a direct manner without being directed by any other individual or party that they normally encounter in their daily experiences. Jugenheimer, Sheehan & Kelley, ( 2015), to measure the success of the campaign, there is the need to come up with a perfect definition of various aspects of marketing metrics specifically the ones that needs to be measured appropriately in order to achieve the targeted outcomes, for example when dealing with things like web content, it involves a perfect study on how effective whet is placed on the relevant website is capable of providing a perfect information to those customers who tend to visit the website thus getting them to take specific actions as a result (Hibbler-Britt & Sussan, 2015). In conclusion, measurement of success has the capability of allowing the whole business to attain its future goals in real time by addressing various parameters that can be easily understood by both the management team together with the targeted customers thus allowing them to critically analyze different issues that are known to be attached to the entire business.
Integrated marketing communication tends to be one of the best parameters in the field of business, it’s appropriate implementation leads to the attainment of different future goals that are relevant to the organization or even a product that is produced by a given organization. Additionally, the top management teams in different organizations should be well versed with this parameter for them to have an easy time in organizing themselves as far as various strategies are concerned. It is beyond any reasonable doubt that anyone is capable of perfectly implementing various issues attached to integrated marketing communication, is likely to achieve success within the appropriate time possible compared to the rest of the individuals who rely on assumptions in most of their actions.
Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., & Brennan, R. (2015). Marketing: an introduction.
Hibbler-Britt, L. M., & Sussan, F. (2015, January). Small business success and social capital: A multi-cultural approach. In Global Conference on Business & Finance Proceedings (Vol. 10, No. 1, p. 156). Institute for Business & Finance Research.
Jugenheimer, D. W., Sheehan, K., & Kelley, L. D. (2015). Advertising media planning: a brand management approach. Routledge.
Kitchen, P. J., & Burgmann, I. (2015). Integrated marketing communication: making it work at a strategic level. Journal of Business Strategy, 36(4), 34-39.
Kerr, G., & Patti, C. (2015). Strategic IMC: From abstract concept to marketing management tool. Journal of Marketing Communications, 21(5), 317-339.
Luxton, S., Reid, M., & Mavondo, F. (2015). Integrated marketing communication capabil and brand performance. Journal of Advertising, 44(1), 37-46.
Moriarty, S., & Schultz, D. (2012). Four theories of how IMC works. Advertising theory, 3, 491- 505.
Porcu, L., Del Barrio-Garcia, S., & Kitchen, P. J. (2017). Measuring integrated marketing communication by taking a broad organisational approach: The firm-wide IMC scale.European Journal of Marketing, 51(3), 692-718.
Pickton, D. (2004). Assessing integrated corporate communication. Oliver, SM,(2004 Handbook of Corporate Communication and Public Relations, Pure and Applied, Routledge: New York, USA, 227-241.
Zhang, J., Jiang, Y., Shabbir, R., & Du, M. (2015). Building industrial brand equity by leveraging firm capabilities and co-creating value with customers. Industrial marketing management, 51, 47-58.
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