MANAGEMT7224 Knowledge Management

MANAGEMT7224 Knowledge Management

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MANAGEMT7224 Knowledge Management

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MANAGEMT7224 Knowledge Management

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Course Code: MANAGEMT7224
University: The University Of Adelaide is not sponsored or endorsed by this college or university

Country: Australia

“Before we measure something we must ask whether we understand what it is we are trying to measure.” (Gray et al, 2015) Critically discuss the above statement in relation to effectively developing the strategic knowledge base in YOUR organization. A strong essay will use the key themes addressed in the second part of the module to develop the analysis, namely:
• Knowledge Management/Environment
• Communities of Practice/Interest
• The Challenge of Performance Measurement
• Intellectual Capital and Social Networks Organisational examples from the tutorial sessions should be used to illustrate the themes covered in the essay. 

The organizational functioning is based on the sharing of the knowledge, which facilitates consistency of the workforce as per the regulation of the organization. Proper management of the organization through communication of relevant data among the workforce and the circulation of the same is by the knowledge management attributes. The management of knowledge in an organization serves as a multidisciplinary approach, which helps in improving the proficiency of the performance of businesses as per the objectives.
Implementation of KM initiatives in the processes of the business helps in improving the performance of the organization and facilitates innovation in the processes of the same. It helps the organization in gaining competitive advantage of organizations. Alternatively, proper functioning of the knowledge management attributes of the organization helps in administration and the flexibility of the operations that are undertaken by the workforce. Keeping the workforce informed of the processes entertains a steady improvement in standards of the output. KM approach of the organization has helped in enhancing the organizational learning, which has helped in upholding the proficiency of the functions as per the objectives of the business.
The purpose of undertaking the discussion is to emphasize on the different attributes of knowledge management and its impact on environmental innovation of organizations. On the other hand, the study also aims at discussing the community of practice and the challenges of performance measurement. The study also aims at defining the key purpose of intellectual capital and social networks, which helps in quantifying the different aspects of the knowledge management. The proficiency of the functions that are planned by the business is facilitated through the implementation of the different factors that are related to the knowledge management of the organization.  Therefore, the major purpose of the discussion is to examine the different key elements of the KM approach through which the organization might optimize their profitability and productivity as per the given objectives of the same.
Thematic discussions
Knowledge management
The different type of knowledge that is acquired by the businesses helps the same in bringing forth innovation in processes of the business while working on the objectives. Hart et al. (2013) stated the identification of the different knowledge attributes will be helping the organization in upholding the steady functioning of the systems of the business while operating as per objectives. Then again, the identification of the nature of the knowledge is beneficial for the day- to- day functioning of the business operations. Explicit knowledge helps the organization in identifying the “know-what” aspect of the change in the systems. It helps the organization in gathering information of the different reforms that might be required in order to bring forth progression. On the other hand, Tacit Knowledge emphasizes more on the “know- how” aspect, which helps the organization in identifying the processes through which continuous innovation and sustainability of the operations can be maintained. Bourgon, Gutierrez  and Ashton (2012) stated that the  tacit knowledge of organization helps the same in undertaking different changes as pr the needs of the business through logical disposition and analysis of the after effects. On the other hand, the knowledge- sharing attribute helps organizations in facilitating the flexibility of operations of the workforce. It helps in enhancing the productivity of the businesses and thereby adheres to the continuous innovation philosophy of the organization. The identification of the different forms of knowledge and their application on the diverse circumstances of the business helps in bringing forth improvements in the status. The application of proper knowledge management tools in the organizational context helps in enhancing the chances of the organization to bring in modifications in the performance of the workforce.
Le Page et al. (2012) stated that the identification of the diverse kinds of knowledge and the manner in which they can be imparted to employees would be facilitating the organizations in upholding the proficiency of the functions of the business firm. Knowledge management of the organization helps in facilitating integration and coordination among the workforce, which helps in upholding the proficiency of the functions of the business. Creation of proper working environment helps in enlivening the operations that are undertaken by the workforce. Jewson (2013) stated that the smooth operations of the processes planned by the business is facilitated through the creation of suitable workplace environment, as it helps in upholding the efficacy of the functions that are undertaken by the workforce. On the other hand, the share of knowledge, distribution and transfer of the same among the employees helps in upholding the proficiency of the functions of the workforce.
Benn, Edwards and Angus-Leppan (2013) stated that application of the knowledge management attributes in the organization helps the businesses in identifying the cause and effect relationship between the different processes that are implemented. On the other hand, the data on market competition helps organizations in undertaking potential changes to   maintain continuous innovation in the processes of the business while operating as per the business objectives. Hart et al. ( 2013) stated that management of knowledge assist organizations in upholding the efficacy of the processes that are undertaken by business. Experience holds a strong position in the KM practices that are undertaken by the organizations. Suppose for instance, the transfer of skill of a tenured employee to a novice helps the organization in undertaking the systems as per the objectives of the business. Therefore, transfer of knowledge among the people of the organization helps in upholding the proficiency of the functions that are undertaken by the workforce resulting to an increased efficacy and productivity of the businesses.
Community of practice
Community of Practice attribute helps in upholding the efficacy and standards of the functions that are undertaken by the workforce as a whole. The CoP practices helps in ensuring the apt functioning of the systems of the business. The advantages derived from the circulation of knowledge among the workforce are based on the enhancement in the capabilities of the same. Christens  and Speer (2015) stated that the smooth performance of the workforce is based on the CoP attributes. The circulation of knowledge and experience of the tenured employees helps in upholding the proficiency of the functions of the workforce. The CoP of the organization helps in inducing a positive culture among the new recruits. It helps the organization in upholding steady growth of the workflow and productivity. Kilbourne et al. (2012) stated that the aptness of performance of the systems is based on the incorporation of the corporate culture as per the objectives of the business. The different settings in which the CoP of the organization can be initiated have helped in upholding the spontaneity of the knowledge transfer and embedding aspects. McDonald (2012) stated that the CoP helps in upholding the proficiency of knowledge management in the organization and thereby create different situations through which the organization might undertake proper steps to distribute the knowledge. Christens  and Speer (2015) stated that the Community of Practices is base on the tacit knowledge which is gathered from the experiences earned by the person and the transfer of the same to another novice. Moreover,  Hart et al. ( 2013) added that the Community of Practices also include different steps through which the culture and tradition of the organization might be induced within the individuals.   
The community of practice helps in enhancing the functions that are undertaken by the businesses as per the objectives of the same. Key changes in the systems and operations of the company are supported through induction of knowledge and traditions of the organization in individuals. It helps in the proper functioning of the systems of the business while operating as per the objectives of the same. Lotter, Yow  and Peters (2014) stated that community of practice helps in reducing the training costs that might be incurred by the organizations through the induction of the positive workforce culture among the employees. It helps the management of organization in balancing a steady growth of the same while operating in the international markets. Bourgon, Gutierrez  and Ashton (2012)stated that the CoP is a process through which the collective learning attribute in a shared manner among the workforce is introduced. It helps in the collective improvements of the workforce through shared learning practices. It has helped organizations in upholding the congruity between the expectations of the same and the smooth functioning of the workforce while operating in the international markets. Benn, Edwards and Angus-Leppan (2013) also noted that collective learning process helps in upholding the proper functioning  of the systems of the business. The identification of the domain of the people and the manner in which the knowledge is induced among the people living in the communities has helped in upholding the proper functioning of the systems of the business while operating as per the objectives.
The Knowledge Management practices that are undertaken by organizations are aimed at enhancing knowledge of the processes that are undertaken by the business among the workforce. The enhancement of knowledge among the workforce helps in upholding the smooth operations of the workforce as per the objectives of the business. The dynamic changes in the organizational management are dependent on the suitable operations of the employees as per the objectives of the business. A clear instance of the CoP initiative can be found in Apple Inc. as the company aimed at motivating the employees to undertake shared learning in order to facilitate the continuous innovation in the systems of the business.  Le Page et al. (2012) stated that the CoP helps in upholding innovative strategy of organizations, which helps in establishing the sustainability factors of business while operating as per the objectives of the business. The shared attributes of knowledge management of the organization is facilitated by the CoP, which helps in upholding the efficacy of the processes that are undertaken by the workforce. Jewson (2013) stated that the CoP of the organization helps  in integrating and build coordination among the workforce through sharing knowledge and learning skills that helps in enhancing the processes  of the business. The enhancement of the skills of the employees and the sharing attribute of the knowledge helps in enhancing the functions that are undertaken by the workforce as per the objectives of the business. Ruopp et al. (2012) stated that the CoP learning attributes helps in enhancing the management systems of the organizations as well, as the practices helps in the identification of the issues that are faced by the organization and thereby undertake discussions with the people and review their views in order to mitigate the issues. It helps in the organization in imposing proper problem solving tools, which will be helping the organization in enhancing their productivity and profitability.  Therefore, Beattie  and Smith (2013) stated that the CoP activities are not only related to shared learning but also it helps in introducing integration and coordination among the management body and the employees which helps in balancing the proficiency of the functions.
Challenge of performance measurement
Organizations face issues while measuring the performance of the same due to the lack of proper measurement tools, which affects the identification of the outcome of the program that is undertaken by the business. Programs are undertaken by the businesses based on an assumption of the outcome. However, Serenko  and Bontis (2013) stated that the schedule and the work breakdown that is undertaken by the organization affects the outcome largely. Therefore, the performance and its proper measurement are affected by the anticipations that are undertaken by the businesses. The key modifications in the systems of the business are based on integration and coordination among the workforce. On the other hand, Kianto, Andreeva and Pavlov  (2013) stated that knowledge being limited of organizations affects the measurement of the performance of the organization. Limitation of knowledge and the failure of the organization to identify the purpose of the program affects the measurement perspectives as per the growth of the organization are concerned. Ling (2013) stated that the measurement of the performance of the organization is based on the identification of the purpose and scope of the projects and thereby bring in changes in the schedule to facilitate suitable outcome of the processes.
The measurement of the performance of the organization is affected, as the program is one of the contributing factors of the project. The different key performance factors are associated with the understanding of the project background. It helps in undertaking the appropriate breakdown of tasks as per the capabilities of the organization to support growth. The knowledge of the project is one of the variable factors that determine the proper functioning of the employees as per the project guidelines. However, the failure to make the concerned people aware of the processes of the business affects the performance of the same. On the other hands, Will  (2014) stated that the assumptions of the management of organizations related to the changes in the performance is based on the optimization of the processes. However, the lack of knowledge on the pathway that is planned by the organization affects the performance of the workforce. The measurement of performance of the organization is affected through the proper functioning of the systems of the business while operating in the international markets. The different performance measurement issues that re faced by the organization can be mitigated through proper exposition of Knowledge management cycles. Dumay  and Garanina (2013) stated that most of issues that are faced by the organizations are related to the lack of proper knowledge of the systems and the manner in which the processes can be implemented by the organization in order to enhance the outcome of the projects. The identification of the different constrains of the project helps in upholding proficiency of functioning and thereby helps the management of the organization in guiding the employees towards the assorted outcome.
The long- term outcome of the different projects affects the measurement of performance of the organization. The identification of the long term objectives of the organization helps in enhancing the functions of the same. However, incomplete knowledge of the processes affects the functioning of the workforce. Kianto et al. (2014) stated that the identification of long term and short term objectives of the organization helps the same in upholding the  proficiency of performance. Knowledge management plays an important part in making the organization aware of the different long term and short term objectives of the same so that the business might craft its activities in order to suit the purpose of the progression. However, Osadchy  and Akhmetshin (2015) stated that the incomplete knowledge of the processes affects the performance measurement tools that are utilized by the organization. Therefore, knowledge management plays a major role in upholding the knowledge within the ofdgqanizat5ional context in order to ensure the smooth functioning of the business operations.
Intellectual capital and social networks
The intellectual capital of the organization is often referred to as the organizational property based on the skills and the experiences of the employees working in the organization. Intellectual capital of the organization helps in adding a competitive edge to the organizational performance through continuous innovation. Wang, Wang  and Liang (2014) stated that the continuous innovation helps in the organizational sustainability. Moreover, de Pablos  and Edvinsson (2014) stated that the skills and experiences of the employees helps the organization in undertaking the community of practice operations which helps in upholding the proficiency of the workforce. The social networks support the continuous innovation in the organizational framework, which helps the same in upholding the bonding and integration between the employees and the management.  Guthrie, Ricceri  and Dumay (2012) stated that the intellectual capital of the organization helps in undertaking proper decision making processes, which will be aiming at enhancing the functions of the business. On the other hand, Kurucz (2018) stated that the social networks helps in  integrating the workforce and thereby demonstrate collaborations to enhance the performance of the business while operating as per the objectives of the business.  The intellectual capital of the organization helps in enhancing the activities that are undertaken by the employees in order to build on the performance and productivity of the business. Knowledge management play an important role in upholding proficiency of the functions through the circulation of the learning attributes among the workforce. Juceviciene et al. (2015) stated that knowledge management and share of learning within the organizational context helps the business in enhancing the processes  more vividly. Knowledge Management of the organization helps in upholding the coordination and integration of the efforts of the workforce. Wang et al.  (2015) stated that the identification of the different knowledge constrains and making the workforce aware of the changes that are planned by the organization helps in upholding the proficiency. Alternatively, intellectual capital of the organization helps in upholding the proper functioning of the systems of the organization, as it helps in enriching the values and innovation among the workforce for the progress of the business. On the other hand, the decision making functions of the organization is enhanced through the knowledge management systems of the business.
Therefore, from the above discussion it can be stated that Knowledge management of organizations helps in upholding the proficiency of the functions of the workforce. Alternatively, the   circulation of knowledge among the workforce helps in upholding the productivity of the business. The efficacy of the employees is improved through the utilization of the intellectual capital and the social networks of the business. It helps in circulating the knowledge of the processes among the employees. On the other hand, the CoP of the organization helps in inducing the positive culture among the workforce, which helps in upholding the efficiency of the functions of the business. Establishing a sound CoP will be helping the organizations in influencing the shared learning attributes within the workforce. It helps in upholding the different change in the systems of the business while operating as per the objectives.  Knowledge management attribute of the organization helps in upholding the different level of change in the systems of the business.
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