AMHR633 Human Resources

AMHR633 Human Resources

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AMHR633 Human Resources

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AMHR633 Human Resources

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Course Code: AMHR633
University: Ara Institute Of Canterbury is not sponsored or endorsed by this college or university

Country: New Zealand

Recruitment Methods and Selection Criteria for shortlisting
You will find a job in the hospitality industry — this can include a hotel or a restaurant. You will need the job description to complete the tasks that follow. In this section you will be selecting appropriate methods for recruitment and justifying why they are appropriate for the particular job that you have researched. You will also be choosing specific selection criteria for shortlisting, and illustrating why these criteria fit the job and are appropriate for the business.
Recruitment Methods
State the job title, the organisation’s name and provide their website address. Name three (3) specific methods you will use to recruit for this particular job. Justify why each of these three (3) methods is appropriate for the job you have chosen. (In your answer, state a reason why it is an appropriate way to reach appropriate candidates, and state the potential result.) Define “employer branding”, using a contemporary Human Resources reference. Describe the benefits of employer branding to the recruitment process. Through information gathered from the company website, outline three (3) appropriate examples that your chosen organisation could use as part of its employer branding. 
(a) Define the type of interview question (using an appropriate textbook), as shown below:
• Behavioural • Situational (b) Suggest two behaviour based job related interview questions that would be suitable for your chosen position.
(c) Explain two(criteria for the behavioural based questions that you would ask, that would be appropriate for your chosen position. (d) Suggest two situational based job related interview questions that would be suitable for your chosen position.
(e) Explain two criteria for the situational based interview questions that you would ask, that would be appropriate for your chosen position.

Recruitment Methods   

Job Title and Recruitment Methods

Job Title: Hotel Duty Manager
Organisation’s Name: Millennium Hotels and Resorts
Website Address:
Three Recruitment Methods for this Job:
Advertising: One of the recruitment methods, which the company can use for this job is advertising. It is one of the most popular methods of external recruitment that help companies in accessing skilled and fresh talent. In the current era, advertising on different electronic platforms will help the company to get the attention of best qualified and experienced candidates. This method is suitable for the post of Hotel duty manager in the Millennium Hotels and Resorts because mostly senior positions in the hospitality industry are filled by this recruitment method. Also, in job advertisements, the hotel can provide detailed job description and specifications that help in self-screening. There is high potential of getting lot of online applications for the job from appropriate candidates (Edenborough, 2007).
Employment Agencies: This is another recruitment method which the hotel can use. Employment agencies are operated by different run by private, public or government organisations and are considered as significant source of recruitment for both skilled and unskilled jobs. Recruitment through these agencies is easy as they have a record of qualified candidates and render suitable services as per the specific client needs. This recruitment method will help the hotel to access only those candidates who are registered with the employment agencies (Edenborough, 2007). 
Campus Recruitment: In this method, the recruiters can go to educational institutions where they get the chance to meet with faculty members and people who are charge of placement services. In campus recruitment, the company can go to any best educational institution offering hospitality education and select fresh and talented employees based on their academic or based on any test and interview. The potential for getting experienced candidates is low in this method, but the company can get skilled and fresh talent (Nkomo, Fottler & McAfee, 2010).
Employer Branding and its Benefits
Employer branding can be regarded as the method which companies use for differentiating themselves in the labour market. Employer branding is beneficial in the recruitment process because it help companies in recruiting, retaining and engaging the right talent (App, et al., 2012). A potent employer brand enables businesses to compete for the suitable talent and establish integrity. Employer branding is the process that helps companies in promoting themselves as the desired employer for a specific target group, which the company wants and needs to recruit. There are several other benefits of the employer branding to the recruitment process, such as a strong employer brand will help the Millennium Hotels and Resorts to stand out as in the challenging business environment it is often difficult to recruit skilled employees. Moreover, employer branding is also beneficial in the recruitment process because it streamlines recruitment. This is because by being clear about the values, values and culture, companies can avoid interviewing people who are not in sync (Barrow & Mosley, 2006).
The below mentioned are the three examples that Millennium Hotels and Resorts could use as part of its employer branding:
‘Our organisation allows you to grow in every aspect’
‘We value opinions’
‘We provide a valuable workplace’
Three of the Most Important KSA’s



Interpersonal Skills


Problem Solving Skills  




 Justification: Interpersonal skills have been given high weighting in the above mentioned table because to get success in hotel management one needs to have good interpersonal skills, and a hotel duty manager needs to have the capability of dealing with people. The hospitality industry is experiencing a change and interpersonal skills are key to success (Rebi?, Dražeta & ?oki?, 2015).
Moreover, on the second number are problem solving skills as they are less important to interpersonal skills. A hotel duty manager needs to solve the complaints of customers and have to look after little issues in the hotel also. Thus, it is necessary for the duty manager to have good problem skills (Rebi?, Dražeta & ?oki?, 2015).
Additionally, flexibility is significant because the manager have to work on different shift times, which may not be suitable every time.         
Selection methods

Types of Selection methods

Selection methods are used to choose the most potential candidate for the job to select the best person for the required job. The three selection methods to get the best hotel duty manager for the Millennium hotel may include:
Online screening: Online system is utilized to filter job applications automatically as it filters the applications against set standards with the help of key word searches (Ehnert, 2009).
References: Employees are asked to refer a potential candidate if they know a candidate who really deserves a job.
Interviews: Interview is the most effective manner to select a potential candidate as this is a face to face interaction between the candidate and the panel (Barrow & Mosley, 2009).


The above three methods are extremely lucrative to select the best candidate to suit the role of hotel duty manager and some of the benefits to prove the appropriateness of these methods may include:
Online screening: The effective use of online screening is really very helpful to filter the application once they are scanned as it may take a lot of time to do this manually. This method is really effective as it is easier to inform a candidate regarding their selection or rejection such as those candidates may receive an e- mail to make them aware regarding their rejection with a valid reason. On the contrary to this, selected candidates are asked to complete an online application form to help recruiters with their selection decision (D’Annunzio-Green, Maxwell & Watson, 2004).
While using this method, the Millennium hotel must make sure to get the implications of data protection act to maintain the privacy of individuals who have applied for the job.
References: In this method, a candidate is recommended by a former employee and this method is appropriate as employees already know the requirements and responsibilities of job and therefore, recommend a potential candidate.
On the contrary to this, unsatisfactory references may highly impact the decisions to select the potential candidate (Lee-Ross & Pryce, 2010).
Interviews: This is one of the best methods of selection as it involves face to face interaction and the behaviour, personality, communication skills and mental ability of a candidate can be easily judged with the help of this method. Communication skills are of utmost importance to get the designation of hotel duty manager and this method would help the best to choose the best kind of candidate. In this method, several questions regarding his job profile can be asked to evaluate his ability and scores are given on the basis of the answers of the asked questions. At the end of this process, the overall scores are considered and the best candidate is chosen on this basis (Lee-Ross & Pryce, 2010).
In this method, it is really important to have the set of questions to ask and not to ask and the candidates must be trained with interviewing skills to get the best candidate for the post of hotel duty manager.
Criterion- related validity
It is the validity of a selection process test which is basically assessed by comparing the scores of test with a non test criterion and it plays an important role to ensure the job success. This is one of the best methods as it predicts that how well the employee is likely to perform on the job. In context to interviews, one can use the test scores to some external criterion like job performance. In this manner, the genuine attributes of the candidates can be determined to select the best person. This test of validity can also be used in online selection procedure by asking the candidates to compare their skills to a predefined skills needed for this job (Rubin and Babbie, 2009).
Selection tests
Selection tests help to test the abilities and skills of a candidate to analyze his capability before deciding to hire someone. The two basic kinds of selection tests which can be used to measure candidate’s suitability for the post of hotel duty manager in Millennium hotel may include:
Personality tests: Personality tests are basically used to determine the fundamental aspects of a candidate such as self confidence, leadership skills, behavior, body language and communication skills. The responsibilities of a hotel duty manager includes is to deliver excellent customer service by dealing with their complaints in a professional manner. Also, this test would help to know that whether the dress code of organization would suit the candidate or not. It is his duty to take responsibility for extra management tasks in the absence of a hotel manager. This test would help to hire the best candidate for this job as it would help to project the personality of individual needed for the successful implementation of his responsibilities (Nkomo, Fottler & McAfee, 2010).
Interests’ tests: Interests test is done to determine the individual’s area of interest and identifying jobs as per his area of interest. This test would help to determine whether the screened applicants are interested in the job role of front office team as managing front office requirements is the main agenda of a hotel duty manager. Most of the candidates in hotel industry are not vegan and the food might hurt the religious sentiment of a vegan candidate (Edenborough, 2007).
Difficulties in the above tests
Personality tests: The two most common problems with personality tests may include its reliability and accuracy as it is not assured that the results of the test would be reliable. The accuracy of the test can be struggled as it is not possible that a person is always happy and he may be suffering from ill health at the time of his test.
Interests’ tests: It may be possible that a person may not be interested in a peculiar job role but he might say yes due to the salary given to him. This would definitely make him to work in Millennium hotel but his productivity would be deteriorated due to his disinterest in the job role.
Criminal check
The criminal check on a job applicant is important to find any criminal convictions in an applicant’s past to make sure that his recruitment would not harm the prestige of organization. The Millennium hotel would like to check the criminal record of the selected candidate would not pose any kind of potential threat to other employees. Yes, criminal check is compliant with the Human Rights Act as it is an illegal activity for an organization to hire a candidate deliberately that has a criminal record in his past. Hence, it is mandatory for all the organizations to ensure criminal check to comply with the law as well as to maintain organizational peace.
Pre employment guidelines
  Dress code: Dress code is the type of professional apparel that one can wear while performing his job. The dress code of hotel duty manager would be formal shirt and trouser. In this regard, if an individual has not worn appropriate clothes during the personality test then, the interviewer may ask him regarding his feeling to wear the dress code of organization (Rebi?, Dražeta & ?oki?, 2015).
Religious sentiments: Maximum numbers of employees in hotel industry are not vegan and seeing non- veg or working in a place where non vegetarian food is cooked might hurt the sentiments of many people. It is therefore good to ask such things at the time of candidate’s interview (Barrow & Mosley, 2006).
Leave and holidays
Bereavement leave is basically an additional time off work that is allowed to people who have recently experienced the death of a family member or a close relative. They cannot take paid leave for more than 3 days and it is the right of Kiri to take this leave if her closed family member or relative would have passed away. Since, it is clearly visible that her distant cousin has died and so, she should get back to work early or she must use holiday entitlement in order to avoid loss of earnings.
Types of interview questions

Behavioral: Behavioral questions are asked from a candidate to determine his or her past behavior to describe his or her suitability for the current job.
Situational: Situational questions are generally asked from a candidate to put him or her in a situation they might face on the job.

Behaviour based interview questions

Describe a time when you struggled to resolve a complaint of an important customer. How did you eventually overcome that?
Tell me about a time when you assured that a customer was pleased with your service.

Explanation of behavioural based interview questions
Since the vacant post is of hotel duty manager and its main responsibility is to deal with the complaints of customers in order to make them retain with its services for longer time. His past experiences of dealing with customer’s complaints would help an interviewer to determine his skills and abilities for the current job role. Also, it will reveal that to what extent he can go to please his customers for the sake of goodwill of Millennium hotel.
Situational based interview questions

How will you manage and cope with the situation when you are asked to do 5-6 consecutive night shifts?
How will you handle a situation when a customer is constantly yelling at you as he is not satisfied with the services of the hotel?

Explanation of situational based interview questions
The above situational based questions would help an interviewer to determine that how the candidate can tackle with different and dynamic situations. Also, there are times when customers become aggressive and it becomes the responsibility of hotel duty manager to make them calm and deal with them patiently so that he may not give negative feedbacks to others.
App, S., & Merk, J., et al. (2012). Employer branding: Sustainable HRMas a competitive advantage in the market for high-quality employees. Management Revue, 23(3), 62–278.
Barrow, S., & Mosley, R. (2006). The employer brand: Bringing the best of brand management to people at work. Chichester: JohnWiley & Sons.
D’Annunzio-Green, N., Maxwell, G.A., & Watson, S. (2004). Human Resource Management: International Perspectives in Hospitality and Tourism. Cengage Learning EMEA.
Edenborough, R. (2007). Assessment Methods in Recruitment, Selection & Performance: A Manager’s Guide to Psychometric Testing, Interviews and Assessment Centres. Kogan Page Publishers.
Ehnert, I. (2009). Sustainable human resource management. Heidelberg: Springer.
Kucherov, D., & Zavyalova, E. (2012). HRD practices and talent management in the companies with the employer brand. European Journal of Training and Development, 36(1), 86–104.
Lee-Ross, D., & Pryce, J. (2010). Human Resources and Tourism: Skills, Culture and Industry. Channel View Publications.
Nkomo, S.M., Fottler, M.D., & McAfee, R.B. (2010). Human Resource Management Applications: Cases, Exercises, Incidents, and Skill Builders. Cengage Learning.
Rebi?, T., Dražeta, L., & ?oki?, B. (2015). The use of selection methods in Hospitality. International Scientific Conference of IT and Business-Related Research, 672-674.

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